Jun 22Liked by Cams Campbell

As someone who has been aiming towards a story that could potentially be published one day for the past 2.5 years, there’s NOTHING like the rush of starting the project…. And nothing like the pathetic slog of the middle. The reason for the slog? I never figured out the Why that endures and fuels my energy as I try to squeeze this in between my day job and weekend hustle. My original Why was “I want to do this because I want to be the kind of Creative that births a novely type thing so I can feel proud of myself!” I’m NOW realizing that I need a Why that transcends my ego and reaches for something much deeper. So I’m in THAT phase now! So as you potentially embark on your own novel journey, skip the slog and figure out your deeper Why first! If it turns out that you write because, well, you simply love to write, publishing be dammed, that’s a pretty good Why too!

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Thank you for such a thoughtful comment. It would most definitely be for the love and the challenge rather than publishing and livelihood. Just to see if can do it, you know? And to learn more about myself along the way. For me, my creative projects are more about growth and self-discovery than anything else. I think it was the money aspect and constant gigging that led to my moving away from playing music. There's lots about it I miss, but the late nights in pubs I can happily do without!

As for writing, it's really time that's the issue. I can't start a new thing without stopping something I'm already doing and I'm really having fun with the books and book content, so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I just finished The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown (perhaps you’ve heard of it/him as he lives in Scotland?) It had so much potential, but the characters were flat and the pacing was tremendously uneven. By the end, I really wanted it to be over. I say this because it made me realize (for maybe the 100th time) how difficult it is to be a great writer… how many different talents one must possess (including the wherewithal to hire a ruthless editor!) So I agree with you, one very excellent “Why” is the sheer challenge…the push outside your comfort zone…like running an ultra marathon! So, yes, time and dedication are absolutely required. So with THAT said, if you’re enjoying your current pursuit, stick with it a little longer! But there’s so harm in jotting down book ideas, snippets, research bits in a side notebook 😉

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I hadn't heard of that author, no. It's partly that old impostor syndrome that keeps me from starting I think. Well, that and time. I'm enjoying my reading too much right now to slow down, and if I can use my creativity to write reviews and make videos about what I'm reading, that will be enough for now. I'm curious whether I'd enjoy the process of writing, but I'm almost certain I would. But for now, snippets in a side notebook are what I do!

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Jun 24Liked by Cams Campbell

Maybe you’re just ever so carefully preparing for some time in the future when BAM!💥 a book calls to you! But in the meantime, this other work is delightful. Enjoy!!

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