Sitemap - 2024 - Taking Personal Inventory

I'm sober today.

Fighting the urge to hide

I hate adulting

I'm a creative person.

It's metaphorical mountain climbing day.

Growth mindset wins.

Exhaustion from living on a Scottish island.

Is this what BookTube looks like?

My struggle is with time management.

Why am I making crap like that?

Book clubs, anyone?

Everything is Awesome

Art is the key to connecting with God.

I Live through Art - Creation and Enjoyment, Nourishment, Connnection.

There are no points. And who even am I?

This project is for my own growth and enjoyment

That's where the rewards lie

Feeling overwhelmed is a product of my mind.

I'm hosting my first ever read-along!

You Won't Believe what a Fanny I Am! 🙊

Grief and guilt are emotions I have agency over.

I have Russian in my soul

Someone needs to sue Calmac

Retail therapy is one of my addictive behaviours.

How my Book Channel is Improving my Reading

Dealing with the stress of a failing ferry operator

I'm having trouble slowing down today.

Is this where my head takes me when I don't go swimming?

I remain humble; the overwhelm is not real.

New Grand Niece!

Family at the top.

Improving my mental health can lead to miracles.

Let sleeping cats lie

Getting my head around my sudden YouTube growth.

Dealing with my first ever viral video

Writing and posting puts me right back on track.

Building my BookTube

Still unbelievably excited about BookTube

Databases and stats motivate me.

For anyone who wants to write but isn't.

Some amazing news for our family.

Creativity is the Path to Enlightenment

Still Excited about BookTube!

Working to earn my place in recovery.

Live a little harder.

Recovery Writing Livestream

How about a livestream recovery writing session?

BookTubers who Inspire Me

Fear has no agency

Is this idea for a new creative project idea crazy?

Patience is the virtue to master

What I read comes out in my own writing in beautiful, inexplicable ways

Here's what's been holding me back.

This slows my brain down and gives me perspective.

Would you join my recovery membership?

I found the courage to make a video about being a subpostmaster.

Do I dare make a video about my trauma as a subpostmaster?

Keeping myself above the depression line

Fighting the local authority for our autistic son's education

How I'm Using Journalling to Become a Better Dad

Stealing like an artist and standing on the shoulders of giants

Have I Been a Closet BookTuber All This Time?

Do I Really Crave Human Connection?

Growth mindset, okay?

I refuse to let the low mood pull me down.

Creative Juices are Flowing

Speaking publicly about alcoholism and recovery

Coming up with my annual theme for 2024

A public speaking opportunity about mental health and addiction.

Creative People Will Find a Way

Disabusing myself of the notion that I'm a victim.